

Motleybits got her name from being a little bit of a lot of things.

She was created at an experimental genetics laboratory where all manner of secret things are engineered for use by secret sneaky people. In this case, the R&D labs for several major manufacturers decided they needed a way to foil PETA for all the cute, fluffy rabbits they were using. The boycotts were cutting into their profit margin.

One night, after a drunken viewing of Jurassic Park, a couple scientists came up with the idea to combine the DNA of several creatures to create the perfect specimen for testing, so labs could hide their continued need to torture small animals for profit.

The prototype Motleybits is the combination of guinea pig, rabbit, rat, and wombat DNA. No one knows why they picked these particular animals, but the idea was that the combination would:

  • Have the properties of the best of test subjects
  • Be larger and hardier to weather more testing before expiring
  • Be far too ugly for the public and PETA to care about

Little did they know they’d created a “bit” of a different monster, who–with the help of a bunch of very fluffy friends and some very odd “luck”–had other plans for her life. And a bunch of sadists in white lab coats didn’t figure into it at all.

The “Artist”

Miki Marshall is a writer of fiction novels and screenplays, who began to dabble in drawing to storyboard a short animated screenplay she’d written. Drawing soon became a fun relaxing hobby . . . until it began to create stories, too. >.<

Miki first created Motleybits as a random character to illustrate a portmanteau she thought was kinda cute. But it needed a picture to acquire maximum cuteness.

Even as a pencil sketch, ‘Bits began to take on a life of her own, with a background, a personality, and a mysterious story to tell.

This is that story.

Who knows where it is liable to go next.